Family Home Evening

This is just a record of our Family Home Evenings.  We love family night, sometimes it goes well, others not so much.  No matter what, we do it every week.  Our 5 busy kids are distracted most of the time so we keep it simple.

May 30, 2011
Memorial Day and my birthday!  My hubby planned a super-duper surprise party for me with a bunch of friends from our ward.  It was perfect!

May 23, 2011
We had a lesson on music.  We talked about all the different types of music and how they can affect how we feel and what we think.  Dad played us a variety of songs and we each talked about how we felt and discussed our physical reaction... some of the songs actually made the kids jump up and move.  It was fun!  We talked about how we have to be careful what we listen to so we can always have the spirit with us.   For our activity we had a dance party!

May 16, 2011
We had a lesson on service.  We talked about the ways Jesus served others and how we can follow his example.  We also talked about why we serve and how it helps us to love others more.  We thought of ways we can help others outside our family and within.  We committed to each try to do at least one kind thing for someone else each day for the week, reporting at dinner.

May 9, 2011
Our 8 year old taught the lesson.  He taught us about Noah and his family and what it means to be a family.  How Noah's family all listened and obeyed their father and were safe because of it.  They all worked together to build the ark so they could survive.  For our activity we set up our new tent in the back yard, pretending it was our ark.  We all worked together and we all survived!  Dad even wore a piece of paper on his chin so he'd resemble Noah, beard and all! :)

May 2, 2011
We fed the missionaries for dinner, so I thought they'd teach us a lesson, however due to some things out of our control, they were unable to do so.  So we had a planning meeting.  We sang an opening song, had a prayer and planned some activities for our week and our menu for the week.

April 25, 2011
Our lesson was cooperation.  Dad taught it.  He used a football analogy, saying that if one person doesn't do their job the team can't succeed.  Everyone can't be the quarterback, he'd have no one to throw it to!

April 18, 2011
Taking "The Family: A Proclamtion to the World seriously, we decided a "wholesome recreational activity" was in order.  We took the kids swimming and listened to Scripture Scouts.  We had so much fun together!

April 11, 2011
We've been struggling with kindness in our home.  Both the kids and the parents I'm embarrassed to say.  So our lesson was on love.

We sang "I love mommy, she loves me..."

For the lesson we talked about Jesus, how he taught that the first and second great commandments are to love God and to love others.  We talked about how we can love others by being kind in our words and actions and by serving them.  Then we hid a heart while one child was in another room, we played "hot and cold" by singing louder the closer he got to the heart and quieter the further he got from it.  Once he found it, we were supposed to say what we would do to show our love for that person, but it sort of fell apart when he ran off (he was having a difficult night).

Our activity was climbing the tree together and our treat was brownies from the night before. Yum.

April 4, 2011
We celebrated our anniversary this week... 10 years!  It was fun to talk about the Temple; why we get married there,  what we can do to prepare, the joy it brings.

We watched our wedding video and laughed lots at the silly faces we pulled and at the fun pictures during the growing up montage.

For a treat we told a story about our honeymoon, how we were broke and to save money we ate at Taco Bell for dinner and had Poptarts for breakfast.  So we treated them to Taco Bell for dinner and had Poptarts for our FHE treat.  It was lots of fun!

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