Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Is it Secret? Is it Safe?

I think a good rule of thumb in making choices between right and wrong is if you feel like you have to keep it a secret.  For example in Helaman 1 we read about Kishkumen's murder of Pahoran.  Now of course, murder is wrong, but check out verse 11
and they all entered into a covenant, yea swearing by their everlasting Maker, that they would tell no man that Kishkumen had murdered Pahoran.
How often does Satan whisper, "No one has to know" or some such lie to try to convince us to do something we know is wrong.  Recognizing that anytime we feel like we need to keep something a secret, we should probably just say no.

Almost all sins are rooted in secrecy.  But the secret is often just a wedge that our tree must grow around, making us weak (and more often than not, our relationships).

1 comment:

Grandma Hoss said...

I agree completely. Dad and I promised to never keep secrets from one another. Sometimes it is hard to own up to your mistakes, but the is the start to righting the wrong. It is the beginning of repentance. There is one person that you can't keep a secret from and that is the Lord. He knows everything. He paid for all of our mistakes. I feel very bad for all of the suffering I caused Him to go through because I was week. I love this blog. It up lifts me. Thank you. Love you tons. Mom